Friday, 26 October 2012

A couple of photos of what Xingxin Road looks like as the afternoon sun starts to set behind the buildings. I walk this road every day to catch the bus to Uni, and in the evening I  wander down to the night market to buy sweet potato chips, kiwi fruit smoothies, chocolate waffles and dragon fruit.

A view up and over the hill to Shalu (where my Uni is located).
This is the left turn into Xingxin Road. This leads to the night market area, and for the next mile is a mass of people, scooters, cars, people, more scooters, yellow taxis and the occasional number 106 bus. This is early in the morning, in the evening it is truly mental! I think the rules of the road are directly related to your size...therefore pedestrians rank lowest, I have been 'bumped' into by scooters on more than one occasion.
And the view towards down-town Taichung.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Moon Festival (a couple of weekends ago) is often celebrated by having a BBQ. But, as this is Taiwan, things are a bit different to the UK. A visit to a local restaurant where you have your BBQ indoors!! The BBQ is set up on your table. So I guess this wouldn't work in the UK, the Health & Safety brigade would close this place down before you could yell "fire!" And as with any good BBQ, there was plenty of meat, fish, shrimps and more meat.