Tuesday, 10 April 2012

First Post (here goes): The days are counting down now until I fly to Taiwan. Most things are sorted, Visa, University acceptance...and of course I have my Towel*

The other stuff, i.e. where to live I will just have to sort out when I get there.

* Towel - see Post Number 2


  1. remember the towel that was found in the lava flow after two million years...was God a Marks and Spencer employee????
    Looking forward to your updates bro, hope you can find a babel fish, would be much easier!! G

    1. A babel fish would be extremely helpful! Not long to go now.

  2. Did you know that May 25th is Towel day where you carry your towel around with you for the day in appreciation of the late DA and, of course, your towel. :) G
