Friday, 22 June 2012

First the good news, after our Typhoon (which was really only a Tropical Storm) I am fine.
Secondly, I have decided to devote the next few blogs to the subject of food. Something Taiwanese people talk endlessly about, and with good reason; there is a lot of it around and it's mostly all very tasty (and cheap). I start with the Taiwanese speciality of Stinky tofu or chòu dòufu. So called because the fermenting process of the Tofu leaves it smelling of, well there is only one polite word for it, feet! It really is a very bad smell, I am not joking. This little stall sells the stuff. Most days I have to walk past the place, and the stench wafting from it always succeeds in assaulting my sense of smell. And so it was that after being told once again by my Uni Teacher how great Stinky Tofu is, I decided to try it. And....much to my surprise....I liked it!! The chap that cooked it up for me didn't even charge for my trying it, they are a nice lot these Taiwanese folks.

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